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Hello out there

June 28th 2024

I added some "Quotes" and some link me buttons for today. Told you id be back. It looks like they want to bring back Vampire Diaries. I love The show and would love a come back because it was so popular back then. I didn't watch it back then but i watched it like a year ago and when i dont got much to watch i go back and watch it again.. Thats how much i love the show.. <3

Disliked the old layout

June 26 2024

Hated the last layout. It looked like i didnt take no time in fixing it up. But this one is killin it. I really love the color choice on this one and how nice it came out. :D so thats new. Added a guestbook and i will add some quotes tomorrow and i will also be working on some buttons :) talk soon!

Hey whats up?

April 12 2024

Added a new layout, coding was a bitch. But hey what ever got through it. Well trying to see how i can start putting some of the videos of the show so that you can come here to watch the series. So that will be added and i will be adding more stuff so coming soon! hope you all like this new layout!

Whats up? 10-30-23

Hey whats up? yup another fan site. this is my hobbie and it gives me something to do. How ever im still working on the pages i just wanted to put something up. hope you like it!